FOXIoT Meetup - 2

Location and venue :
The Moz IoT first Meetup- 2 was held at KGISL Institute of Technology, Coimbatore at 30 July 2016

Topics covered :
  • 1. Introductions to python and main libraries
  • 2. Introduction to C++ and main libraries
  • 3. Writing a python wrapper to a C++ program
My Experience : 

Introduction to Jupyter notebooks and python:
We were introduced to digital notebooks called Jupyter notebooks. The Jupyter notebook is a web application used to create and share documents containing live code, explanatory texts and many more. The notebook supports 40+ languages, but we used python for the meetup. Using the notebook you can actually collaborate in demonstrating code and share them with your friends.

We started the meetup at 10.00 am, with an introduction to GitHub and its tools followed by docker. In the afternoon session we had the hands on experience with python programming, along with introduction to the notebooks. The meetup went till 4.00 pm.

Team formation with project assignment:

 We want all the participants of the FoxIOT to build and create thing, that was the core objective. The participants were spitted into 16 teams and were assigned with the project.

Project Teams:

Team 1 : Human Pose detection
Team 2: Binary classifier to predict fighting position or not
Team 3 : Defence move for the predicted step
Team 4 : object detection
Team 5: predict whether human or not
Team 6 : track humans
Team 7 : face detection
Team 8: sentimental analysis
Team 9 : face recognition
Team 10 : temp sensor monitoring
Team 11 : pushing real time data to webap
Team 12: air pollution monitoring
Team 13: web app
Team 14 : Hal9000 (Just like Google home)
Team 15 : detecting voices and seperation
Team 16 : sentimental analysis of the voice




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